Halloween Gifts ideas for Kids


Halloween is a magical night especially for kids. It is the time when kids can dress up using any costume that they want and ask adults for candies. As an adult planning for Halloween, you must have run out of ideas on what to give to juvenile trick or treaters. The thing is that while candies are the most popular things to give to kids, there are many

Halloween gifts for kids that are still within your budget.

  • Halloween Books:  Try instilling the reading skills of kids by giving them Halloween books. Books encourage children to read and there are several Halloween-themed books that you can buy from the bookstore. When choosing Halloween books, make sure that they are not too long and they contain pictures to encourage young children to read until the last page.
  • Halloween Coloring Set: Kids naturally love to color and draw so giving them a Halloween coloring set – books and crayons included – is a great way to keep their imagination and creativity stimulated. If you find coloring books to be expensive, you can always look for free printable coloring pages from the internet.
  • Halloween Board Games: Instill camaraderie among your kids by giving them Halloween-themed board games.  Instead of playing with videogames or with their iPads, board games encourage children to connect with other kids.
  • Halloween Movies: Perhaps the best activity that kids can do after trick or treating is to watch Halloween movies. There are Halloween movies intended for kids that include The Corpse Bride and Nightmare Before Christmas which are all Tim Burton movies. They are not only entertaining but children can also learn valuable lessons from these movies.
  • Healthy Treats:  Be a responsible adult by giving children healthy sweet treats. Instead of giving them your usual candy and chocolate bars, why not bake healthy brownies or make caramel apples for kids. You can also make pumpkin cookies or any healthy snack that you can think. If you do this, other parents will really thank you for it.
  • Gift Cards: If you cannot decide on which Halloween gifts for kids to give, you can never go wrong with gift cards. It can be a gift card to a book store, video game store or movie theater. The best thing about gift cards is that give kids the freedom to choose their gifts.


When choosing Halloween gifts for kid, make sure that you keep it appropriate for their age. Moreover, make sure that you work with your budget so that you will not break your bank.


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