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Family Crest Rings make a great gift idea for any member of the family

Did You Know

that heraldic jewelry began in the middle Ages?

Family crest rings identified the lord of the manor.
Originally designed as the seal or crest of a family,
the rings were used to seal messages.

Once the seal of the ring was set in wax to seal documents,
the receiver was assured of the content and the sender.

Heraldic jewelry, a custom still esteemed, is special way to enrich your family.
Once only used to signify membership in a family, they are now also used as
beautiful fashion accessories.

Today these unique rings can be created in a wide variety of metals with
inlaid stones, raised or indented designs,
and include an original family crest passed through the generations or
a new family crest which Great Gift Ideas can help you design.
Crest or seal rings they are also called can be designed for formal occasions or
for everyday wear.

Family Crest Rings

A family seal/crest ring is an excellent gift choice, an heirloom in itself  that
can be passed through future generations. An inspired gift for men or women,
crest rings always give the wearer a sense of honor and pride that lasts a lifetime.
The emblems inscribed on crest rings speak to family values and traditions,
a mute witness to the history of a family’s challenges and successes.

Now is a good time to start a new tradition for your family.
To get started on your family’s new family crest ring.

We explain the symbols and information contained in a family crest and
can point you in the right direction to discovering if your
family already has a crest that speaks to the roots of your family tree.

A crest ring gift is a symbolic gift of unity between family members to
be worn with pride. Materials used in making the rings, including silver and gold,
precious and semi-precious stones, sizing, workmanship, and the intricacy of
the designs all play a part in the cost of the rings. Rest assured,
there is a ring within your budget – a ring that will build family pride and
joy in ownership.

Still worried about what gift to give? Contact us and get all the help you need
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