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5 Valentine’s Day Disasters You Need To Avoid

5 Valentine’s Day Disasters You Need To Avoid


A lot of men mess something up on Valentine’s Day, Valentines-Day
so I’ve talked about a few of the things
they must try their hardest to avoid.

Do you want to upset the love of your life on Valentine’s
Day? Millions of men around the world mess up big time
and it takes them months to pick up the pieces.

If you want to avoid making the same mistakes we can
look at a few things you should stay away from.

Don’t pretend you’ve forgotten
Has your wife ever told you she loves the way you make her laugh? Even if she thinks you’re the funniest person in the world she definitely won’t be happy if you pretend you’ve forgotten it’s Valentine’s Day. I already know you’ve thought about it because in your mind it seems like a very funny trick to play, but you might end up with a bloody nose. Women want to feel special from the moment they wake up in the morning and if you mess them around it will put a damper on their day.

Avoid your single friends
If any of your friends have a partner they’ll be spending time with them after work. Your single friends will carry on their life as normal and that means they will do the usual after work. If they don’t want to be on their own they might ask you to hang out with them. Even if it’s only for an hour after work so you can play badminton you must say no. Go home straight away and spend the entire night with your partner otherwise they will feel neglected even if you’re just away for an hour or two.

Roses are a bad idea
Do you know how many men give their partner red roses on Valentine’s Day? In the past it was very popular and red roses showed women you loved them, but these days it’s better to stay away from them. It’s the kind of gift you will give someone if you forget and you need to grab something from the garage on the way home. You can still buy her flowers, but try to be different by getting her something a little unique. I’m sure you’ll find plenty of options if you visit the local flower shop.

Book a table in advance
In any town or city there are only so many fantastic restaurants and on Valentine’s Day you won’t be able to show up and get a table. You might even have to book a great restaurant many months in advance. If you forget to book early you might be left with no other option but to eat in the most horrible restaurant in town. You could already be too late unless you can pull a few strings, so an alternative is to cook your partner a beautiful meal at home with lots of wine, candles, and soft music.

Sexy lingerie
You want to see your partner in sexy lingerie and I’m sure she would love to wear it, but you shouldn’t be the one to buy it for them. Unless you’re secretly a woman you won’t get it right and you run the risk of offending her. If you want to save yourself from trouble you should give her the money to buy her own lingerie instead. Buy vouchers for a fancy store because it’s better than handing over a stack of cash and she won’t be able to blow it on chocolate and wine.

It’s easy to mess up
You only have to keep your partner happy for 24hrs then you can relax.
It’s easy to mess up and you’ll spoil her day, so make sure you start
planning right now. When you see the smile on her face you’ll be glad you did.

The author of this post, Karen Fernandes, is a freelance blogger who enjoys
sharing her ideas and experiences online. She is associated with ConceptPlus,
a company dealing in promotional products. Her hobbies include knitting and crochet.
You can follow her on Twitter for more information.

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